Stankevich Olga (Belarus)
Mental and physical health of a child;
Interdisciplinary childhood studies;
Cognitive and emotional development of the child;
Primary school age is an important stage in the development of personality: a student develops the ability to learn, which is impossible without self-regulation of activity. In order to determine the skills of younger students to exercise self-regulation, we conducted a survey of classroom teachers of grades 1-4 (n=31). The BRIEF questionnaire (adaptation by E.Y. Gorina, T.V. Akhutina) was used to conduct the study.
Classroom teachers note that younger students do not have sufficient skills to exercise self-regulation. When solving educational tasks, students miss the sequence of actions, do not always calculate the time of solution, they can start completing tasks at the last moment; written works are not always thought out and structured; they do not always check the completed work for errors, even after being reminded by the teacher, they make mistakes due to inattention; they forget to do their homework, they need a reminder from their parents, and the school does not always hand over the completed task to the teacher without a reminder. Students often do not write down their homework, do not listen to its explanation. This puts the teacher in front of the need to explain homework to non-parents, which increases the burden on the teacher and shows the involvement of parents in the educational activities of their children where the independence of the child is important for the development of activities and the success of its implementation. Not all children can control their personal belongings: they lose their phone, water bottle, sports clothes, money, pass, house keys, notebooks.
The results show insufficient skills of students to carry out self-regulation of activities, including in the classroom. The purposeful formation of self-regulation skills of younger schoolchildren is relevant, which will not only increase the effectiveness of educational activities, but also reduce the burden on teachers.