González Figueredo Madelin (Cuba)
Espinosa Álvarez Nestor (Cuba) Ramírez González Danays (Cuba) Borges Castillo Meyli (Cuba)
Application of digital technologies and tools in education;
Mental and physical health of a child;
Cognitive and emotional development of the child;
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the population not only to modify daily routines but also the ways they interact with each other and manage social and productive processes. In Cuba, measures were taken that covered all sectors, so high-performance sports suspended the preparation of athletes in training centers without neglecting their physical and mental health. The relevance of this work is that through the use of telepsychology, the diagnosis and intervention was carried out that guaranteed the mental health of children, adolescents and young athletes, as well as coaches and their families; This first experience has been reproduced by the psychology department in the mental preparation of the athlete. The general objective was aimed at guiding athletes, coaches and their families appropriately during the COVID-19 pandemic stage. The sample was made up of 905 people, of them 452 athletes. The survey (online) was used as a research method for diagnosis and group psychological counseling or orientation was the most used technique as an intervention. The most significant results are: the effectiveness of carrying out psychological intervention actions through telepsychology directly or indirectly, whether group or individual, the creation of WhatsApp groups for child, adolescent and youth athletes, and for their families and trainers, which allowed the language, dynamics and facilities of the application to be adapted to each age group. In conclusion, the relevance of the use of telepsychology, the increase in group members, and the positive criterion as users of the psychology service adjusted to the stage of isolation due to the pandemic were obtained.