

The International Psychological Forum "Child in a Digital World" is dedicated to the issues of sustainable development of children and adolescents in the context of the transformation of childhood caused by the digitalization of modern society.

The Forum is initiated by the Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research in cooperation with the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Psychological Society, with the support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.


The International Psychological Forum "Child in a Digital World" is designed to bring together scientists, teachers, practitioners and students from all over the world, so that right away, during the Forum they can:

  1. analyze the current trends in the transformation of the ecology and childhood psychology caused by the advancement of digital technologies;
  2. identify effective ways and methods of applying digital technologies to promote the sustainable development of children of different ages;
  3. identify the most effective methods of preventing digital risks for the mental development of the younger generation;
  4. exchange scientific experience of the safe use of virtual reality technologies and artificial intelligence systems in the development and education of young children and adolescents;
  5. discuss the results of research on all aspects of the study of childhood in the era of digitalization;
  6. outline the prospects for cooperation, including joint research and publications.

The Forum is a platform for scientific communication between researchers, practitioners, and teachers – all those who are interested in an understanding of childhood, meeting modern challenges and upcoming digital opportunities.

The Forum will address such topics as Sustainable development and ecological consciousness in the context of digitalization; Digital socialization of a child at different stages of development; Digitalization of educational process: challenges and perspectives; Family context and the adult as a mediator of the digitalization of childhood; Big data in childhood studies; The impact of digitalization on cognitive and emotional development of children; Child development in a multicultural context; Bi and multilingual development: opportunities and risks; Psychology of play and toys; Psychology of assimilation of mathematics in kindergarten and at school; Child health in the context of digitalization; Educator and digital technologies: experience of use and effective practices; Educator and digital technologies: experience of use and effective practices;  Philosophy of digital education.

You can get acquainted with the program and the materials of the I, II, and III International Forum "Child in a Digital World" in the "Archive" section.


Russian Psychological Society

e-mail: ruspsysoc@gmail.com


Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: forumdigitalchildhood@gmail.com

Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: psy@psy.msu.ru