The International Psychological Forum " Child in a Digital World" was held for the first time in 2021. The two days of the forum were focused on the current problems of sustainable development of young children and adolescents in the context of the transformation of childhood caused by the digitalization of modern society. More than 12 thousand people from 90 different countries participated in the forum. More than 80 speeches by leading researchers, including those by Francisco Pons (Norway), Purnima Singh (India), Candido Alberto Da Costa Gomes (Portugal), Roger Säljö (Sweden), Iram Siraj (Great Britain), Michael Cole (USA), Linda Theron (South Africa), Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (Sweden), were held as part of the Forum.
In the framework of the II International Psychological Forum "The Child in a Digital World" in 2022, submitted more than 400 abstracts and approved about 80 applications. The Forum was organized and held by the initiative of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, in cooperation with the Department of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Psychological Society, was supported by the International Union of Psychological Science, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.
At the Forum discussed such topics as the child's interaction with fast-developing digital technologies; features of communication, play, learning and other activities in children under the digitalization of society; recent pedagogical innovations using ICTs; practical problems of childhood transformation under digitalization and ways to solve them; prevention of digital risks to mental development and psychological well-being of children and adolescents, and much more.
The forum is a platform for scientific interaction between researchers, practitioners, and educators-all those interested in understanding childhood that responds to today's challenges and digital opportunities.
Russian Psychological Society
Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia
Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia