Danhua Lin

Danhua Lin
Professor of Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University. Member of the Teaching mentoring Committee of Ministry of Education of China, Associate Director of School Psychology Committee of Chinese Psychological Society, Associate Director Developmental Psychology Vommittee of Chinese Psychological Society.


Beijing Normal University

Short Bio

Research field: Impact of Early adversity on children’s development from neuro physiological and psychosocial perspectives; Theory based prevention intervention among disadvantaged population (e.g., rural to urban migrants, migrant children and left behind children); H ealth behavior prevention intervention among youth and adolescents (e.g. substance use, internet addiction, HIV related sexual risk behaviors, over weight prevention intervention) intervention).


Russian Psychological Society

e-mail: ruspsysoc@gmail.com


Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: forumdigitalchildhood@gmail.com

Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: psy@psy.msu.ru