Mónica Bernaldo de Quirós

Mónica Bernaldo de Quirós

Doctor of Psychology, Full Professor at Department of Personality, Assessment and Clinical Psychology of Complutense University of Madrid. She has been clinical psychologist at the South Center for Comprehensive Attention to Drug Addicts in the Community of Madrid. Currently her main research line is focused on behavioral addictions with the development of online assessment instruments for gambling and gaming problems detection.


Complutense University of Madrid

Reports at the forum


Russian Psychological Society

e-mail: ruspsysoc@gmail.com


Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: forumdigitalchildhood@gmail.com

Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: psy@psy.msu.ru