Pazukhina Svetlana (Russia)
Application of digital technologies and tools in education;
Cognitive and emotional development of the child;
Gifted children in the digitalization era;
Relevance. When organizing the activities of schoolchildren in specialized psychological and pedagogical classes, it is necessary to equip them with the most advanced methods, organizing professional tests and acquiring specific experience through immersion in a new reality - digital.
Purpose of the study: to study the possibilities of using VR technologies in the process of teaching psychology to students in psychological and pedagogical classes.
Research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, questioning.
Sample: psychology teachers of 38 classes of psychological and pedagogical orientation in the city of Tula and the Tula region.
Main results: possible areas for the use of VR technologies in teaching psychology are highlighted: visualization of abstract psychological concepts, virtual excursions to psychological laboratories, acquaintance with specific psychologists of the past and present, virtual participation in psychological experiments, virtual games for training professionally significant skills; immersion in school reality; try yourself as a teacher; creating lesson projects; use of immersive methods; visiting specialized virtual exhibitions, bookstores; virtual visit to the university, etc.
Conclusion. Using the capabilities of VR technologies can significantly affect the increase in the efficiency of the learning process and the development of cognitive interests of students in psychological and pedagogical classes in the specialized discipline of psychology.
Materials were prepared as part of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the topic “Scientific and methodological foundations for creating digital educational content for psychological training in pedagogical classes” (No. 073-00033-24-01 dated 02/09/2024).