Mazmanyants Margarita (Russia)
Interdisciplinary childhood studies;
Cognitive and emotional development of the child;
Play and toy: risks and opportunities for child development;
One of the conditions for the development and support of children's independence is the subject-space environment (SSE). Some educational programmes confirm that in a structured space contributes to the formation of child’s independence. However, the influence of SSE in the home on the development of independence has not been studied specifically. The purpose of this research is to study the influence of structuring the children's room SSE on the manifestation of independence at 3 years old.
The study consisted of 3 stages: a preliminary assessment of children's independence and the structuring of SSE in their rooms; reorganization of SSE in the rooms of children from the experimental group; and reassessment of independence 2 months later. The methodology of A.M. Shchetinina was used as a basis for diagnosing independence. The evaluation and transformation of the SSE in order to support children's independence was based on the methodology of E.O. Smirnova and the requirements of the state standard.
The sample consisted of 15 families with one child aged from 2 years 8 months to 3 years 10 months (M=3.3, SD=1.3), 7 in the experimental group (3 female, M=3 years 5 months) and 8 in the control group (4 female, M=3 years 2 months).
The results showed that there were differences between the level of autonomy of children in the experimental and control groups: the experimental group had higher scores than the control group (p<0.001). Differences were obtained on all scales (self-care, self-organization and duration of free play).
The obtained results allowed us to draw preliminary conclusions about the effectiveness of structuring the SSE for the development of independence of preschoolers. In the future it is planned to expand the study by increasing the sample and number of tasks to be solved.