Elis Kakoulli Constantinou

Elis Kakoulli Constantinou
PhD, Deputy Director of the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology, Teacher Trainer at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth


Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth

Reports at the forum

  • Learning in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges and the Role of Educators and Stakeholders (2024)


Russian Psychological Society

e-mail: ruspsysoc@gmail.com


Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: forumdigitalchildhood@gmail.com

Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia

e-mail: psy@psy.msu.ru