Assessment of Quality of Organization of Educational Process and Remote Forms of Interaction of Pedagogical Workers of Preschool Education Institution with Legal Representatives of Pupils During Pandemic Period

Assessment of Quality of Organization of Educational Process and Remote Forms of Interaction of Pedagogical Workers of Preschool Education Institution with Legal Representatives of Pupils During Pandemic Period

Book of Abstracts

Lehankova V. Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Belarus)
Chykiliova D. State educational institution “Nursery-kindergarten 5 of Zhlobin” (Belarus)
Haliuk H. Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Belarus)
social situation of personal development, preschool education, assessment, interaction of kindergarten and parents

The social situation of the development of the child (L.S.Vygotsky) of preschool age includes a set of conditions that ensure the individualization of child development and entry into the world of human culture. In modern conditions, it is determined by the nature of interaction between the main subjects of the educational process of preschool education (N.E.Veraksa, S.A.Kozlova) in the context of expanding the space of the developing educational environment of the preschool education institution, including through the use of information and communication technologies (E.O.Smirnova), to improve the quality of information and explanatory work when interacting with parents of pupils.

The empirical study included: identifying the difficulties of organizing the educational process in a pandemic (questionnaire of teachers of preschool education institutions, n = 261), evaluation of the organization's effectiveness educational process and remote forms of interaction of pedagogical workers of the preschool education institution with parents of pupils (questionnaire of legal representatives of pupils, n = 321).

Legal representatives of pupils are mainly satisfied (78.8% - completely, 19.3% - partially) with the organization of the educational process in preschool education institutions in a pandemic. Parents and teachers identify common difficulties in organizing the educational process related to the organization of holidays and entertainment. The relevance of the development and use of remote online content to improve the content and forms of interaction between teachers and parents is confirmed. The preferred forms of information and communication technologies on the part of parents are: the use of social networks, parental meetings online, online consultations and educational portals for parents.

The optimization of the forms and content of interaction with parents of pupils can ensure the improvement of the quality of the educational environment as a means of creating a social situation for the development of children of preschool age.


Russian Psychological Society



Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia


Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
