Philosophical Skeels for Children's Thinking Development

Philosophical Skeels for Children's Thinking Development

Book of Abstracts

Author: Sydygalieva D. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Philosophy, children. philosophysing ,thinkikng

Relevance. The topic is not studied enough.

Purpose - to describe the philosophical skeels of thinking development in childhood

Methods: analysis, synthesis, dialectics, induction, deduction

Study example:

Thesis 1. Children's thinking is traditionally considered to be the thinking of becoming. It is believed that the process of growing up involves the development of all vital functions of the individual, including his/her thinking. The development of thinking goes through a series of stages well described in psychology. Let's conditionally call his entire path a movement from an immature mind to a mature one.

What is maturity?

On the one hand, this is the ability to perform strict rational-logical procedures (comparisons, definitions of concepts, classifications, etc.) based on rules, on the other hand, the ability to solve problems creatively, which gives deviate from the rules. Contradictory, at first glance, the picture of a mature mind is actually evidence of its harmony. The combination of rational and creative is fully embodied in philosophizing.

Thesis 2. Philosophizing is a type of thinking. It is available to children. To philosophize means to reason, to focus on the essence of the phenomenon being studied, to see contradictions, to abstract from a specific situation. A philosophizing subject is able to think independently, to see an object or problem from different sides, to be critical of any dogmas. Philosophizing is an effective way of intellectual, creative and moral development of children.

Thesis 3. Tools of philosophical thinking: questioning, argumentation, interpretation, generalization, conceptualization, visualization of concepts, etc. The formation of these skills is a way of developing thinking by means of philosophy.

This is what philosophy for children. Its founder was Matthew Lipman (USA). Philosophical programs for children are also being actively developed in Russia, and I intend to tell the participants of the congress about their peculiarities.

Research results.

Personal growth, an increase in self-esteem, an increase in responsibility and balance in actions, actions, and decisions are noted by psychologists in children involved in philosophy in one form or another.


Russian Psychological Society



Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia


Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
