Author: Rudneva I. StandUp Innovations LLC (Russia)
preschool; mental activity; creative; fine motor skills;
"The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative potential of preschool children by means of an interactive sandbox.
The object of research is the process of developing the creative potential of preschool children.
The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative potential of the personality of preschoolers by means of an interactive sandbox.Task: To determine the pedagogical conditions for the development of children's creative potential using information and communication technologies.The priority tasks all over the world are the training of highly qualified specialists with a high level of creative and mental activity of thinking. The modern educational environment is limited in technologies that create conditions for the development of a child's creative thinking. The interactive sandbox is a combination of sand and augmented reality. The child is not whole
immersed in the virtual world, and interacts with it using
natural natural material. Developing fine motor skills and
tactile perception. The child becomes a creator. By changing the level of the height of the sand, he models the landscape in the sand space: rivers, lakes, mountains, volcanoes.
The child goes from an idea to the use of auxiliary materials, with the help of which he creates his own plot, story. As a result, children develop initiative; creative, mental activites,
speech skills;
teamwork skills;
the ability to think outside the box and create stories with a large number of options for events;
the ability to change the plot on the fly. According to the criterion of ""Involuntary creativity"" at the beginning of the school year, preschoolers mainly had a low and average level of development. 48% of children were found to have a low level, which suggests that it is difficult for children to make changes to the plot. 50% of children turned out to be at the average level. After the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of creative potential with an interactive sandbox, children develop the ability to change the plot of the game on the go. Thus, 52% of children agree to the proposal to change something, have reached the average level. And 48% of preschoolers at the end of the school year showed the ability to change the plot on the go, show ingenuity."