Formation of digital competencies of teachers of further education in the era of digitalization of education

Formation of digital competencies of teachers of further education in the era of digitalization of education

Author: Zimovetc A., Abraukhova V. Don State Technical University (Russia)
digital competencies, teacher of additional education, digitalization of education, digital technologies, digital tools, distance education
The article considers the concept of "digital competencies," "teacher of additional education," "digitalization of education." A special emphasis is placed on the processes taking place at different levels of transformation of teachers regarding their mastery of digital tools and the use of digital technologies both offline and online. Nevetheless the communication of teachers with their pupils takes a big part of the process.The definition of "Digital Competence" appeared in official documents in 2006 as a key competence for lifelong learning. Calvani et al. (2010) emphasized the interaction between three aspects of digital competence: technological, ethical, and cognitive.The purpose of this study was to develop a model for the formation of digital competencies of an additional education teacher. For the study we use the online survey.The result of this study was the development of an effective model for the formation of digital competencies.There model includes: 1)Communication and cooperation in the digital environment; 2) Self-development under uncertainty;3)Creative thinking;4)Information and data management; 5) Critical thinking in the digital environmen;6)Data security and protection;7)Digital content creation. Hybrid learning is a comprehensive combination of distance and online learning. Hybrid and mixed learning models have become important for the learning process, as they allow not only to continue learning in times of crisis or instability, but also to bring education to a new stage of development.All these areas will contribute to the formation of digital competencies of teachers of vocational education.

Russian Psychological Society



Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia


Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
