Spatial organization of the shcool environment: sustainability environmental friendliness in the era of digitalization

Spatial organization of the shcool environment: sustainability environmental friendliness in the era of digitalization

Author: Panyukova Yu., Alexandrova E. Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (Russia)
digitalization, school environment, spatial organization, sustainability, psychological well-being.

The relevance of the topic of the spatial organization of the school environment in the context of sustainability and environmental friendliness in the era of digitalization is due to the need for reflection in the field of the relationship between the didactic specifics of educational practices in the era of digitalization and the spatial organization of the school corresponding to this specificity. The purpose of the study is to review theoretical and empirical, mainly foreign studies on certain aspects of the organization of the spatial environment in the context of digitalization with an emphasis on the psychological well-being of schoolchildren. The main results can be attributed to the allocation of the same directions in the field of organization of the spatial environment of the school, such as the mobility of the school environment, adaptation to the needs of schoolchildren, orientation to free communication of subjects, flexibility of the spatial locations of the teacher, the availability in the environment of opportunities for activity and risk. As an independent aspect of the organization of the spatial environment of the school in the era of digitalization. Another component of the research we analyze is the appeal to the indicators of psychological well-being, interconnected with the selected parameters of the organization of the spatial environment. In the system of indicators of psychological well-being, psychological ones are distinguished (involvement, enthusiasm, attachment to the environment); socio-psychological (communicative competence, trust, cooperation); academic (involvement, cognitive resources, academic achievement) and pro-environmental (pro-ecological attitudes and focus on resource-saving technologies).


Russian Psychological Society



Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia


Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
