Modern technical means of education in preschool organizations of the Ivanovo region

Modern technical means of education in preschool organizations of the Ivanovo region

Book of Abstracts

Author: Shakirova E. State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Ivanovo Region “University of Countinuing Education and Innovation” (Russia)
electronic learning tools; digital educational environment; preschool education

Relevance. The modern educational policy of the Russian Federation is focused on the modernization of the content of education and the renewal of learning tools. Individual preschool organizations are actively acquiring and implementing a variety of electronic learning tools, but the overall picture of the staffing of kindergartens with this equipment is unclear.

The purpose of the study. The study was conducted in order to study the nature of the equipment of preschool educational organizations of the Ivanovo region with electronic learning tools. Of particular interest was the opinion of managers on the expediency of using electronic learning tools in preschool education.

Research methods. As a research method, an anonymous survey of heads of preschool educational organizations of the Ivanovo region using electronic forms was used. The survey was attended by the heads of 181 preschool educational organizations, which is 49% of the total number of kindergartens in the region.

Main results. As a result of the conducted research, data were obtained on the number and name of the most common electronic learning tools in preschool organizations in the region. It is established that most kindergartens have a screen and a projector. In some kindergartens of the region, 3-D printers, 3-D pens, interactive sandboxes and other learning tools are available. About 5% of preschool organizations of the Ivanovo region who took part in the survey indicated that they do not have any electronic equipment for the education of children.

Conclusion. The data of the conducted research allow us to obtain information about the nature of the equipment of preschool educational organizations of the Ivanovo region with electronic learning tools, to identify the features of the use of these tools in the organization of educational activities of children and to determine the prospects.


Russian Psychological Society



Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia


Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
