Psychological features of risky Internet behavior of adolescents

Psychological features of risky Internet behavior of adolescents

Book of Abstracts

Author: Pankratova I. Southern Federal University (Russia)
Internet addiction, risky Internet behavior, adolescents, coping behavior

The relevance of our study is due to the fact that in the modern world there is a great danger of the impact of computer games and network communication on the mental health of children. Also, the theoretical and practical aspects of creating psychological conditions for the prevention and prevention of gambling addictions in children have not been sufficiently developed. Thus, obviously, the practical need is expressed in solving the problem of gambling addiction, the creation and testing of developments aimed at preventing this type of addiction.

The aim of our study is to study the psychological risky Internet behavior of adolescents. Our study involved 60 schoolchildren aged 10-14, who were subsequently divided into groups by gender.

We used psychological testing methods: the questionnaire "The level of computer game addiction" by O.M. Vidov; methodology "Indicator of coping strategies"; Kimberly-Young test for Internet addiction; technique (MIG-TS).

With the help of a theoretical analysis of the problem of risky Internet behavior, we determined that this is a complex construct that has various interpretations, the terminology is quite variable, in addition to the concept of "risk Internet behavior", the terms "Internet addiction" or "Internet addiction" are most often used in the literature. ". The general concept involves the definition of this phenomenon as a form of psychological dependence, which manifests itself in an obsessive passion for computer games, the subordination of one's choice to an external false goal - the achievement of progress in virtual gaming reality.

As a result of the empirical study, it can be concluded that Internet addiction affects the cooperative behavior of adolescents. The high frequency of using a technical tool is associated with the likelihood of signs of dependence, the structure of needs and the expansion of the bodily boundaries of adolescents, which has been fully confirmed.


Russian Psychological Society



Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research,
Moscow, Russia


Psychology Department of MSU

Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
