Author: Pechkovskaia E. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Professors, Moodle, Zoom, students
In the conditions of COVID-19, there was an intensification of the use of information technologies by teachers. These changes have affected the duration, labor, automation, communication and the object of labor. The purpose of the study is to change the professional work of teachers Research methods - conversation, self-developed questionnaires Sampling - teachers using MOODLE and Zoom systems. The main results - there was a change in the perception of the object of labor when using ZOOM and MOODLE, the duration and satisfaction with work due to the identified errors of the systems in the process of application, a change in the role of the teacher - at the same time, he can be not only a teacher, but also an operator of an automated information system, the use of which requires preparation for successful work. Conclusion During the study it was revealed: 1. the teacher plays the role of an automated system operator, which requires additional training and optimization of the system interface, where interface and user errors were identified and classified. The identified errors lead to disruption of communications within the system and the duration of work, which causes dissatisfaction with work. The adaptation of the system will reduce the time for application and partially automate the work of the teacher for the adaptation of work and rest. 2. To increase the satisfaction with the use of video systems, it is required to establish mandatory rules for conducting remote classes in video conferences by turning on cameras and microphones, because the system of the object of labor is changing - work is done with a real person or a simulacrum, i.e. visually the student may be in class, but physically he does not participate in the process.