Authors: Ríos Leonard I., Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences (Cuba) Cano Pérez A., Center for the Improvement of Higher Education of the University of Havana (Cuba) Ponce Legrá U., Ministry of Education (Cuba)
Catalog, repository, quality audiovisuals, early childhood
The design of the project Fostering an audiovisual culture for early childhood children and families, through the use of multiple screens, was structured with the help of the definition of tasks and specific objectives linked to each other, so that the achievement of each one of them them, can lead to the achievement of the final goal.
The referential theoretical framework of the aforementioned research project, approved by the scientific community formed in the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Cuba (ICCP) and formally represented in its Scientific Council, fulfilled the essential function of supporting the research process and of course, to the organization of actions.
That is why, from the adequate interrelation, interpretation and contextualization, of the two great theoretical nuclei assumed (related to the conceptions of early childhood and its development and with an audiovisual culture), synthesized in the national context from the activity of the Center of Latin American Reference for Preschool Education (CELEP) and the Cuban Institute of Cultural Research Juan Marinello, emerge the main decisions that are made and the proposals that are made.
From these essential pillars, the result that is presented was built and whose general objective is to prepare a catalog of quality materials, with the potential to contribute to audiovisual consumption for early childhood development.
In order to fulfill the proposed objective, more than 500 audiovisuals of all origins, extensions, genres and formats were observed. For their selection, it was taken into consideration as inclusion criteria, that they were aimed at the first ages and that they were quality materials.
The focus of the study carried out is fundamentally qualitative, in which the theoretical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and systematization methods of scientific research are privileged.