Author: Burlakova S., University Jana Amose Komenskeho (Czech Republic)
Autistic spectrum disorders, correction of mentally disabled people, corrective work, Down syndrome, mental disability, special education, supportive work, teaching methods
The scientific work describes the main theoretical provisions that were used in the study and provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with intellectual disabilities. The main stages of building effective interaction with children with intellectual disabilities in the process of learning and development are highlighted.The most important role in the system of special education is the continuous care of children with special developmental needs.
The relevance of the chosen topic is that nowadays it is necessary to organize special conditions of socio-pedagogical support for children of school age, which will provide optimal conditions for training and education of children with disabilities in the conditions of school educational institutions. Corrective work with children with disabilities should be carried out on the basis of diagnostics of the child's condition, as well as the adopted individual program of their development.
The corrective orientation of the educational process consists in the pedagogical impact of special methods and techniques that stimulate compensatory processes of cognitive development of the child. Diagnostics of children with intellectual disabilities is connected with considerable difficulties and is caused by individual-personal features.
The purpose of the work is to explore the possibilities of psychological-corrective work with school-age children who have psychological problems.
The scientific work consists of an introduction, a theoretical chapter, a practical chapter, a conclusion and a list of used sources. The theoretical chapter of the work examines the state of the problem under study in defectology, speech therapy, psychology and medicine.The research methods are: observation, comparison, experiment, interview.In conclusion, it is worth noting the need for remedial work with children who have mental disorders. They need a special individual program that will promote the development of the child, create conditions for the realization of their inner potential, help to overcome and compensate for obstacles to development